Monday, November 11, 2013

The Human Animal                                                                                                       November 11, 2013

     The human animal is the only species to take in another species to keep. Usually for the life of the other species.

     The human animal is also the only species that will also take the ones they took in and leave them on their own.

    The human animal is the only species that will hunt for the sheer pleasure of killing another species. Only to leave them where they killed them. Many probably not even dead.

   The human animal is the only species destroying the planet we ALL live upon. Only until recently, have the human animals started to care, when it already may be to late to care.

   The human animal is the only species that will even abandon their own kind to find pleasures elsewhere among their own kind.

   The human animal is the only species that will kill their own kind because they do not like the color, sexual orientation,religion, etc.

   They human animal seem to be the stupidest species on the planet with all of the things they do to each other and other species.

   The human animal is the only species that will not survive, because of all of the things they do and create. They are the ones killing the world today.